The very idea of the dead walking the earth eating brains and body parts of the living is a repelling thought to many, and unthinkable to many more... but are the Dead alive and well and using the internet?
It seems that way, to this reporter, even if it's only in the abstract sense of the idea. It seems that the "Dead", also known as 'The Banned", are returning from the afterlife and returning to Digg.
In an article found on LewP's Weblog, "Can banned Digg friends come back to life?", Lew says:
"Now that Digg has banned half of North America, I am proposing a new game for us banned folks with the number 666 tatooed on our foreheads. Just come back as another person. I’m pretty sure this is being done already, but let me be the first to go out on a limb here and make it public."
Ashmadai, a noted blogger of small notoriety (as well as a blogger who seems to relish picking at digg every chance he gets), stated:
"… it is my `considered opinion’(do you like that choice of wording? LoL) that Digg wants the majority of it’s members to come back. Hey, the fact is that they allow people to come back fairly easy - therefore they must want them to come back."
Ashmadai states the case that as an experienced Message Board admin/owner he is well aware of a minimum of 3 ways to ban a member... and it seems that Digg has shown that it knows of two of the ways. In short, since Digg only bans screen names of most of it's Diggers - then Digg must want to leave the option open to these 'Walking Dead" to return to Digg under other names (under certain conditions, of course). It seems Diggers are taking them up on the offer by returning from the "Dead" to roam Digg once more.
Who am I to oppose the powers that be, at least in this case. Many of those banned from Digg were either banned under questionable reasons anyway or they had valid reasons and a mere warning would have sufficed. In any event the warning given of being banned for violating the Digg TOU would have made it's point with the many 'undugg' roaming the net looking for new homes.
It's a win-win situation, really. The Diggers get a second chance, or third, and Digg gets to show it really does stick by it's own rules.
Stay tuned for "Dawn of the Digger" to find out the outcome of this move.